Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Home made chocolate-banana ice lollies

So, summer is about to end.....(sigh). Next week is "la rentree" and, although we DID finally get a decent summer here in Brussels (after a non-existent spring) it is still incredible how weeks have flown by.

But hey, just because the countdown to another school term (and shorter, cooler days) has begun, it doesn't mean we cannot still enjoy one of our summer time favourites: home made ice lollies.

It started a few years back, when I bought some ice-lollies molds from IKEA, full of good intentions but little else. The molds remained untouched in a drawer in our kitchen until this year, when I found a number of nice looking recipes online and decided to start experimenting.

This summer, I've done from the really easy, virtually no work required lollies made of frozen supermarket-bought smoothies (I know, I know, but sometimes one is really short of time and ideas) to the more elaborate ones. This is a recipe for banana-chocolate ones, which have proved a big success with Bibu. It features the good, old, hard-working banana (is there a house with small children without a bunch of bananas lying somewhere?) and cocoa powder, which is apparently full of antioxidants and a super food. Here we go:

Ingredients (for 6 ice lollies)

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder (I used the 100% cocoa powder from Carrefour, but you can even go organic if you prefer, so ensure healthy credentials)
  • 4 tbsp natural yogurt
  • half a small carton of cream (creme fraiche)
  • 1 tsp of sugar (or honey, or agave syrup)

Just put everything into a blender, whiz until  you get a chocolatey, creamy texture and pour into the molds. Put the molds in the freezer for at least 4 hours (best overnight) and then enjoy. They won't make summer any longer, but they will definitely make it sweeter!

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